Saturday, February 19, 2011

A gathering with the neighborhood kids

Our old neighbors - Mike, Jana and Ethne - came back to town for a visit from their new home in Prince Edward Island, Canada. This is Lauryn, Ethne, Evan, Harrison, Audrina, Bennett and Owen.

Ice Fishing

Scott went fishing with his two buddies Brian, and Moose.
They caught the big one.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Audrina pooped on the potty chair!!!

Audrina pooped on the potty chair for the first time tonight. We were sitting together eating dinner when she said she had to poop, and that she wanted to sit on the potty chair. Scott and I both thought she just wanted to get out of eating her dinner. Audrina was persistent, so we finally stopped dinner and took her into the bathroom. We sat for awhile, but eventually she pooped in the potty chair!!! (We will refrain from sharing a picture of this momentous occasion)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Here is Audrina and Dexter with her Valentine's Day box. Daycare had us decorate her box at home. We were supposed to decorate it with pictures and items showing the things she loves.

This side of the box shows that Audrina loves to read books, and that she loves Tinkerbell.

This side of the box shows that Audrina loves M&M's.

Audrina flashes her cheesiest smile. This side of the box shows that Audrina loves her blankies and she loves her Dexter buddy.

Dexter is looking to see what's inside.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Snowman

It was so nice outside today (well, finaly above freezing) so we went outside and made this snowman.
Later on Audrina looked out the window and saw that our snowman had melted and fallen over. She kept looking out the window and saying, "Oh no! Snowman fall."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tubing down the BIG HILL at Great Bear

Audrina and Mommy bundled up in the lodge before we go tubing.

Uncle Michael, Aunt Jessica, cousins Addie & Paxton came to Sioux Falls to vist us. We went out to Great Bear and cousin Addie learned to ski!! Audrina and Paxton went for sled rides down the BIG HILL.

Paxton and Audrina waiting in line to go up the BIG HILL.

Here we are riding up the BIG HILL.

When we got to the bottom, we asked Audrina, "was that fun?". And she excitedly replied "", and "big hill", and "fast".