Audrina has been singing a new song lately. Her version goes like ..... "Oh Donald (mumble mumble) farm... (loud) E I E I O. And Donald sure does have a lot of sheep in Audrina's version. When I say, "and on his farm he had a ..." She chimes in, "SHEEP" every time!!
Her other favorite songs include the ABC's (although quite a few letters get skipped each time), the turtle song, and the bumble bee song.
We took out that large strip that was inserted into the sliding glass door (and made the door leak so much cold air) and Scott installed this dog door that goes through the wall. There is litle to no cold air leaking now, and we can have full use of our sliding glass door now!! I am so excited!!
When we were first trying to get Dexter to go through the new door we would always say, "Yeah Dexter!". Now EVERYTIME Dexter goes through the door Audrina says, "Yeah Dexter!"
The sun has been shining, and the temperature has been rising, and this week we got to play outside in the evening every night!!! I think Audrina enjoyed pulling her wagon around even more than she enjoyed me pulling her around in it. We got Audrina these rain boots because she likes to splash in the water at the end of the driveway from all the melting snow.
Lately I can't get a picture of Audrina without her "cheese"ing and puckering up her lips like this :)