Saturday, April 23, 2011

A visit from Grandma & Papa Sylliaasen, and The Wards

This weekend The Sylliaasens and the Wards came to visit. We all got rooms out at the Ramada where they have the Buccaneer Bay indoor water park. The kids had a blast swimming and playing in the water all weekend!!

Audrina watering her baby.

Audrina and Logan splashing around.

Audrina and Tanner "cheese" for the camera.

Audrina and Mommy going down one of the slides.

On Sunday everyone came over to our house, had Easter brunch, and hunted Easter eggs. Audrina convinced Papa to carry her Easter basket for her while she grabbed eggs.

Tanner and Logan found some..

Here Papa...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Audrina's 2 year check-up

We went to see the doctor today. Audrina is all up to date on her shots, so she didn't have to have any shots today. Our little girl is now 32 1/4" tall and 24pounds 4 ounces. She is in the 25th percentile for height and weight, but her head shows up at the 75th percentile - probably because of all those brains inside!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Audrina!!!

Audrina's presents and Nemo cupcake cake....

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Audrina. Happy Birthday to you!! yeah!!

Audrina and Caden play with the bubble gun. Bubbles, Bubbles everywhere!!


Audrina and Caden

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fun With Sidewalk Chalk

A butterfly

Nemo and Dori

A rainbow..... and a rainbow of colors on Audrina's bum.

she got a little bit of chalk on her pants....