Friday, September 30, 2011

Painting Nails

Audrina paints Daddy's nails with water color paint.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our 7th Anniversary

Grandma and Grandpa Sylliaasen came to our house and took care of Audrina for the weekend while we went to Minneapolis for the weekend. We stayed at a hotel downtown, did some shopping, ate out, and caught a Twins game.

Here we are at the Twins game. Before we left the house, Scott suggested that I take a hat and gloves as he believed it would be very cold at the game. I promptly told him that I was not taking a hat and gloves as that was just plain crazy. While at the game, which did in fact end up being quite cold, we purchased a Twins blanket to keep us warm. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend was another weekend spent camping at Lewis and Clark in Yankton, SD. We camped with Brian Jen and Caden; Moose Leah and Lydia; and Michael Jess Addie and Paxton.

Addie, Paxton and Audrina hanging at the campground playground

Aunt Jessica, Paxton and Audrina going down the slide.

Audrina and Paxton wanna do it again!!

Addie and Pax.

Audrina swinging on the bar at the top of the slide.