Thursday, February 23, 2012

you need to go poopie dad?

We were sitting at the dinner table tonight when Scott said, "my stomach hurts." Audrina quickly replied to him, "You need to go poopie dad?" When Scott and I started laughing she then said, "It will make you feel better...." I believe this has been our response to her in the past when she has told us that her stomach hurts! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

All American Gymnastics

We started going to All American Gymnastics on Saturday mornings. They have "open gym" from 9-10. We sometimes meet up with Audrina's friend Piper. Sometimes she goes just with Daddy and they have father/daughter time together. They have so much stuff to do there. Audrina burns off a lot of steam!


keep your eye on the ball

down the slide....

swinging on the rings

swinging in the giant 3 person swing

having snacks at Caribu Coffee with dad afterwards :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Audrina loves her baby Ty

Our little "Heart Breaker" Ty, Audrina and Dexter

Ty and Audrina

Audrina and Daddy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Disney Live! Three Classic Fairy Tales

Audrina and I went to the arena for a theatre production - Disney Live! Three Classic Fairy Tales. Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy told the story of Cinderella, Snow White and Beauty & the Beast. We don't have the book or movie of Cinderella, Snow White or Beauty & the Beast, but Audrina was still into it. Daddy stayed home and took care of Ty for us.

We bought a stuffed Mickey Mouse

Here is the story of Snow White

Here is Goofy, Mickey, Minnie and Donald between the princess stories.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ty is smiling and cooing.....

Ty is really changing these days. He really looks at me when I am talking to him and he responds back by talking/cooing and smiling a me. I love it!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Boys Weekend

Scott went ice fishing with Gordie, Brian, Moose and John in Redfield this weekend.

Everyone packed into the ice shack.

They did catch some fish.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ty's 2 month doctor appointment

Today we had Ty's 2 month doctor appointment. He now weights 11 pounds, 11 ounces which is the 45th percentile. He is 23" long which is the 47th percentile, and his head circumference is in the 24th percentile.
I couldn't find Audrina's "stats" from her 2 month doctor appointment for comparison, but did see that she weighed 11 pounds 11 ounces at her 4 month appointment.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Audrina got a tatoo

She is posing as a tough girl saying "muscles".

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Dexter

Today is Dexter's 8th Birthday. We have never celebrated the dog's birthday before, but thought Audrina might find it kinda fun. I only worked 1/2 day today, so after nap time Audrina, Ty and I headed to Pet Smart with the intent of buying Dexter a dog bone and a small toy for his birthday.
While at Pet Smart Audrina decided that Dexter NEEDED an entire bag of dog bones, not just one. OK. Audrina also saw that they had doggy cookies there - and of course Dexter NEEDED those for his birthday. OK. We then found a cool new collar that he also NEEDED. And we got him a new toy. $30 later, we finally had everything we NEEDED for Dexter's birthday.
Or so I thought.
As we were pulling out of the Pet Smart parking lot, Audrina said we NEEDED to get Dexter a birthday cake. And really what is a birthday party without a birthday cake. We walked into Hy-Vee to pick up a cake when Audrina spotted some balloons, and of course Dexter NEEDED balloons for his birthday. The lady blowing up the balloons asked me if it was for a boys birthday, or a girls birthday. I had to admit that it was for our DOG, but he is a boy. We picked up a small 6" pink my little pony birthday cake (Audrina said that was the one he would want) and finally had everything we NEEDED for Dexter's birthday.
I got home and wondered WHAT JUST HAPPENED????
Scott wondered the same when he got home from work and saw balloons, a cake, doggy cookies, doggy bones, a new collar and a new toy.....all for Dexter's Birthday.
I'm gonna have to get better at saying NO!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Tropical Snowman

Audrina wanted to put a carrot on for his nose, but we didn't have any carrots. We used sticks from a bush for arms. We found the hawaiian lay in the garage and decided it would be a perfect accessory for the snowman.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Back to work

Today Audrina took her little brother with her to school (daycare) and I went back to work. I am only working 1/2 days this week and will be back to the full swing next week.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Don't eat yellow snow... it's spicy.

Audrina came home from daycare wanting to make a snow fort. Scott used his snow blower to pile the snow up and they built the fort together.
She has also advised us not to eat yellow snow. She says it's spicy.

Audrina and dad in the fort.

Audrina is outta here.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ty and Great Grandma-Nana

Nana held Ty the whole time we were visiting. She has that Great Grandma touch.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

bath time....

Ty is growing, and taking up a bit more room in the bath tub.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just a trim please .....

Audrina has got this figured out. When Lisa was done cutting her hair, she looked at Lisa's bottom drawer and asked if she could have a treat...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The kiddos

Audrina holding Ty.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

DeGroff family Christmas

I didn't do a very good job of taking pictures this weekend, but here is what we did get...

Gauge and Ty do a little male bonding.

Scott and Michael try to figure out the girls' chinese lock boxes.

Aunt Terri holds Ty.

Jaylee holding Ty.
When everyone left Audrina cried and said "My cousins.... why do my cousins have to go home?"

Thursday, January 5, 2012

At the Playground...... in January

The weather has been so mild this winter. Today it was in the upper 50's, low 60's, so we had to head to the playground.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Butterfly House

While off work on maternity leave we found time to do some fun trips.

A butterfly came to see Ty.

Audrina posses with the butterflies. She didn't last long with the butterflies though as she is still afraid of them for some reason.

Audrina LOVED reading books at the butterfly house though.

She also loves the aquarium at the butterfly house.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ice fishing

Scott went ice fishing for the first time this winter with Brian in their new ice shack.

Audrina holding baby Ty.

Audrina loves her baby Ty.