Today is Dexter's 8th Birthday. We have never celebrated the dog's birthday before, but thought Audrina might find it kinda fun. I only worked 1/2 day today, so after nap time Audrina, Ty and I headed to Pet Smart with the intent of buying Dexter a dog bone and a small toy for his birthday.
While at Pet Smart Audrina decided that Dexter NEEDED an entire bag of dog bones, not just one. OK. Audrina also saw that they had doggy cookies there - and of course Dexter NEEDED those for his birthday. OK. We then found a cool new collar that he also NEEDED. And we got him a new toy. $30 later, we finally had everything we NEEDED for Dexter's birthday.
Or so I thought.
As we were pulling out of the Pet Smart parking lot, Audrina said we NEEDED to get Dexter a birthday cake. And really what is a birthday party without a birthday cake. We walked into Hy-Vee to pick up a cake when Audrina spotted some balloons, and of course Dexter NEEDED balloons for his birthday. The lady blowing up the balloons asked me if it was for a boys birthday, or a girls birthday. I had to admit that it was for our DOG, but he is a boy. We picked up a small 6" pink my little pony birthday cake (Audrina said that was the one he would want) and finally had everything we NEEDED for Dexter's birthday.
I got home and wondered WHAT JUST HAPPENED????
Scott wondered the same when he got home from work and saw balloons, a cake, doggy cookies, doggy bones, a new collar and a new toy.....all for Dexter's Birthday.
I'm gonna have to get better at saying NO!